There’s nothing riskier than taking on risk without the complete clinical picture.

We equip you with comprehensive patient data and uncover hidden HCC opportunities for better care and financial outcomes.

The bottleneck in healthcare?
Traditional risk adjusting.

Traditional risk adjusting slows down patient care and complicates HCC coding, demanding the need for more accurate and efficient processes.
Front Desk

Spent chasing charts per day


Average cost to send a fax

5 hours

Average time spent previewing patients each week*


Records found prior to first visit

Risk Adjustment

Pages of records manually reviewed every day


Missing reported conditions

The solution? Credo PreDx.

New Patients

PreDx will retrieve, analyze, and identify all suspect codes for new patients before their first visit. Maximize your reimbursements within CMS deadlines by fully risk adjusting your patient before they even walk in the door.

Existing Patients

Let us uncover additional value that was previously missed. We’ll gather data on your entire patient population to ensure you’re extracting the most value from your entire patient population.

We’re redefining success for providers and patients.

And what exactly does that look like? It means giving time back to medical practices, achieving more precise RAF results and conditions, and improving quality care from the first visit.

Discover the proven advantage of Credo PreDx for value-based care organizations.

1-2 hours saved on chart chasing (per clinic, per doctor)

100% of conditions documented on the first visit

15% increase in RAF scores

Improved quality of care, starting from the first visit

With credo predx you can...

Collect all historical data

We go beyond the EHR to get 98% of all patients' health history and records to ensure no HCC is left behind.

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With credo predx you can...

Gain at-a-glance insights & accuracy

We’ll extract all suspect HCCs for accurate risk adjusting and present them in an easy-to-read format for your providers to review.

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With credo predx you can...

Accept and submit more RAFs

We’ll provide all clinical evidence supporting the suspect HCC, so you have full confidence to accept all suspect codes.

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$0 integration fee with your EHR

Let Credo be your secret weapon to succeeding in value-based care.

The more data you have, the more HCCs you’ll find. It's that simple.